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Living Stone Christian Academy 
 - Dress Code -

The mission of Living Stone Christian Academy is to raise children to live effectively in God’s world.   Our dress code intends to honor Christ in the appearance of the students in modesty, appropriateness, and neatness.  The dress code is not intended to measure spirituality, but rather to serve as a tool in fostering the development of a student’s character. Modesty is defined as making sure our bodies are covered in such a way as to honor the Lord and not to offend and/or tempt those around us. A person’s attire often reflects his attitudes and values.  So we believe it is important to dress in a way that reflects the values we teach.  When students come to school we want them to know that work done for the Lord is to be heartily carried out and God-centered as commanded in the verse, below.  Professionalism in dress sets the tone for work well done.  And modesty encourages a desire to please the Lord rather than to draw the attention of others.  We trust that our families value these two principles, yet recognize that there is Christian liberty in applying these ideals.

Dress Code

The dress code is established to reinforce good grooming and hygiene, instill discipline, promote a disruption free educational environment, avoid safety hazards, and teach respect for authority. Students are expected to adhere to the following standards of dress and grooming:


  • Extreme hairstyles are not permitted.

  • Students should come to school well-groomed and appropriately dressed. (Note: Examples of inappropriate dress would include: backless or semi-backless blouses, see-through apparel, mesh stockings/blouses/shirts, low cut blouses, jeans worn at a level between the knees and waist, leather jewelry and other accessories with metallic studs, blouses with one shoulder only, blouses with straps less than three fingers in width, excessively tight clothing, gang or cult-related clothing, absence of foundation garments, etc. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive.)

  • All students are required to wear appropriate footwear while on school premises. no slippers. 

  • Apparel of any kind having obscene slogans, endorsements of any alcoholic beverages or tobacco products, emblems, or writing that is deemed inappropriate by the principal or designee will not be worn.

  • No gang/cult-related clothing, accessories, or imagery is permitted. no. Sexual pictures, words, and symbols will not be permitted.

  • Chains attached at the waistline are not permitted.

  • Undergarments may not be worn as outer garments nor may sleepwear (including slippers) be worn.

  • No visible tattoos are allowed.

  • Hood covers (from hoodies or sweaters) are permitted provided that the head is not covered inside the building (for student safety)

Girl's Dress Code

In I Timothy 2:9 we read that women are to dress "modest in appearance...wear decent and appropriate clothing….".

In consideration of this Biblical standard, appropriate school attire for girls is as follows


Jeans, pants, and shorts are proportionate and without any holes or rips above the knees. Additionally, extremely baggy pants should be avoided and shorts should be 7 inches or lower. yoga/workout pants must be squat-proof and worn with a long shirt covering the backside.


At LSCA, we are committed to providing elegant and modest clothing options for girls. dresses and skirts are to be no shorter than 7 inches in length, reflecting our values of modesty and sophistication. 


Dresses, tops, and blouses are required to cover the top of the shoulders (straps must be 3 in. wide) not showing the midriff or lower back. They must not be form-fitting, low cutting, backless, or have any slits above the knee. shorts or pants must be worn under dresses or skirts if the student is to play on the playground and PE.


Clothing, including jackets, with non-school associated logos or insignias depicting professional, college, and/or other nonschool teams are allowed, however, logos, symbols, and slogans that are not edifying will not be allowed No gang/cult-related clothing, accessories, or imagery is permitted including skulls and crossbones.


 Clothing must be complete, seams must be sewn, and rips and tears must be patched.


Shoes must be worn at all times. Appropriate shoes must be worn for any physical activity or sport.


 Hats/caps are allowed outside and are allowed to be worn inside the building. Accept during chapel and assembly.


Hair/Hairstyles must be clean, neatly groomed, and within the normal range of natural hair colors (black, brown, brunette, blonde, and red). No extreme hairstyles will be allowed. Hair must not block the eyes and not be a distraction to others or themselves. The School Administration or staff will determine when hair has become extreme or a distraction and expect a parent to take measures to alleviate the distraction. 

 The wearing of jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Dangling earrings are not permitted. no nose piercing, and no body piercing other than ears are allowed. no gauges.

no tattoos are allowed ( if you have any tattoos they must be covered).


Extreme fashions which call undue attention to the individual or any part of the anatomy in an unwholesome way, are not acceptable.








Boy's Dress code

In I Timothy 4:12 we read, "Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers, in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

In consideration of this Biblical standard, appropriate attire for boys is as follows:

1. Jeans, pants and shorts must be appropriately proportioned. They must not be too tight or excessively baggy. All pants or shorts must be worn at the waist. Undergarments must never be visible above or below outer clothing.


2. Length of shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh. The school standard for mid-thigh is one-half of the measured distance from the top of the inseam to the middle of the knee. * Please make allowance for growth.


3. Clothing displaying Christian symbols or messages are encouraged.



4. Clothing, including jackets, with non-school associated logos or insignias depicting professional, college, and/or other nonschool teams are allowed, however, logos, symbols, and slogans that are not edifying will not be allowed No gang/cult-related clothing, accessories, or imagery is permitted including skulls and crossbones.


5. Clothing must be complete, seams must be sewn, rips and tears must be patched.


6. Shoes must be worn at all times. Appropriate shoes must be worn for any physical activity or sport.


7. Hats/caps are allowed outside and are allowed to be worn inside the building. Accept during chapel and assembly.


8. Hair/Hairstyles must be clean, neatly groomed, and within the normal range of natural hair colors (black, brown, brunette, blonde, and red). No extreme hairstyles will be allowed. Hair must not block the eyes and not be a distraction to others or themselves. The School Administration or staff will determine when hair has become extreme or a distraction and expect a parent to take measures to alleviate the distraction. 

9. Earrings, ear gauges, nail polish, or other female-related items are not permitted to be worn by males.

10. Extreme fashions which call undue attention to the individual or any part of the anatomy in an unwholesome way, are not acceptable.

Dress Code Violation Discipline Procedure

1st Violation: If the initial dress code violation is minor, a simple verbal reminder to the student and an email to the parent will suffice.


2nd Violation: The student will be sent to School Principal (boys) or Assistant Principal (girls) to determine if the clothing is appropriate. If the clothing violation is minor, the student will be returned to class with a verbal reminder and Behavior Report emailed to the parents.


- Extreme dress code violations will result in the parent being contacted to bring the student a change of clothing.


3rd Violation: The student will be given a Dress Code Violation note and Behavior Report emailed to the parents. Extreme dress code violations will result in the parent being contacted to bring the student a change of clothing.


4rd+ Violation: The Administrative Discipline process will be implemented consisting of:

1st: On-Campus Suspension (OCS)/Parent Conference

2nd: Off-Campus Suspension/Parent Conference

3rd: Initiation of the Expulsion procedure

* From time to time the Administration may determine some manner of appearance not mentioned in this Dress Code to be inappropriate and thus will not be permitted. Students who are not dressed in compliance with this Dress Code will be removed from school activities and parents will be contacted and asked to provide a change of clothes. Students will be allowed to return to school functions once they are dressed in conformance with the provisions of this dress code.

Teacher Dress Code 

Living Stone Christian Academy believes that employees of the School District can more effectively carry out their respective functions and responsibilities which help meet the LSCA primary function of educating students when staff members dress professionally. Students, parents, and other community members who interact with staff members are more likely to respond favorably to a staff member who dresses professionally. Students are more likely to show respect and follow directions from a staff member who dresses professionally. Therefore, the Board adopts the following dress code for staff members.


Professional Dress Standards for (Men)


  • Acceptable Attire / Professional Pants, jeans, and slacks. No rips, tears, or holes in jeans may be worn.

  • Collared shirts to include Polo-type and button-down shirts.

Sweaters, turtlenecks, and Henley shirts, t-shirts without graphics are acceptable. 

  • Christian shirts are encouraged 


  • Ties and dress coats improve the image; recommended but not required. 

  • Visible body piercing; ONLY the ear(s) is acceptable for women, not men. 

  • Shoes that are clean and polished improve the image. Please wear appropriate shoes at all times (appropriate shoes such as flip-flops, tennis shoes, sneakers, heels, boots, and flats. (Inappropriate shoes such as crocks, slippers, or house shoes may not be worn.)

  • Facial hair must be neat and well-groomed.

  • Tattered cuffs, tears in clothing, and heavy wear marks are unacceptable. 

  • Sweat pants, yoga pants, and jogging suits are not acceptable. 

  • Hats are not to be worn in the building. 

  • Visible body tattoos are unacceptable or ear gauges are not allowed. Men teachers are not to have pierced ears.

  • On Fridays, school shirts are to be encouraged to be worn.

Professional Dress Standards for (Women)


  • Pants, jeans, slacks, capris, dresses, or skirts. (Jean skirts and dresses are acceptable). 

  • Blouses, t-shirts, and shirts - collared shirts to include Polo-type and button-down shirts.

  • Sweaters, turtlenecks, and Henley shirts are acceptable, as well as other blouses (with or without collars) that would be considered professional in nature.

Blouses and dresses should be cut in such a way as to exceed the expectations of student dress. (Physical Education instructors should wear shirts with collars and shorts or pants that exhibit professional attire).

  • Shoes that are clean and polished improve the image. please wear appropriate shoes at all times (appropriate shoes such as flip flops, tennis shoes, sneakers, heels, boots, and flats,)(inappropriate shoes such as crocks, slippers, or house shoes,) may not be worn.

  • Makeup, perfume, or cologne to be unobtrusive. 

  • Visible body piercing; ONLY the ear(s) 

  • Sweat pants, spandex pants, leggings, and jogging suits are unacceptable. 

  • Tattered cuffs, tears in clothing, and heavy wear marks are unacceptable. 

  • Hats are not to be worn in the building. 

  • Visible body tattoos are unacceptable.

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