Living Stone Christian Academy

Living Stone Christian Academy
Calendar and Event's
Living Stone Christian Academy start date: August 19th, 2024
Living Stone Christian Academy offers full on campus classes starting in Pre K 3 - 12th grades. We love our elementary kiddos, and we love our junior high and high school leaders of tomorrow too!!
School starts 8:10 am; School doors open at 7:15 am. Light breakfast is served.
DROP OFF: All students must be dropped off on the North side of Living Stone Christian Academy parallel to the WIC office and STARS Drive - In.
PICK UP: All grade are dismissed at 3:30 pm and may be picked up at the North gate parallel the WIC office.

Living Stone Christian Academy
We are a private school using the Abeka and Ignitia curriculum. We offer full classes on campus utilizing PreK 3 - 12 th grades. We also offer the choice of homeschooling starting in the 3rd grade - 12th grade as well. LSCA believes in higher education and teaches academics, biblical truths, music, and artistic instruction all regardless of nationality or gender. Furthermore, we believe learning to write in cursive is for today and is not an art of the past.
Finally, we believe in family! Teamwork is most important between parents, students, and teachers. Good communication is one of the keys to success.
- Living Stone Christian Academy -

Living Stone Church
Living Stone Church is under Mercedes Christian Church, Mercedes Christian Church has been part of the Mercedes community for 104 years. Living Stone Church (MCC) has served the Mercedes community through, a food pantry, vacation bible school (VBS), Red Cross, Good Samaritans, music camp, youth conferences, prayer walks, and more! Here at Living Stone Church (MCC) we are initiating and starting Living Stone Christian Academy as one of our goals being met. We have taken and been obedient to God and His plans. We are excited and willing to take on such a monumental endeavor for the betterment of our children and youth within the city of Mercedes and surrounding communities. We would like to help empower them to be successful, and prosperous. Education is freedom and opens many doors to cultivate and give back to the community.
: 612 S Texas Ave, Mercedes, TX 78570